Call for participants on on an "education and/or training paths of youth workers" study session

Call for participants on on an "education and/or training paths of youth workers" study session


Aim of this study session

The aim of this study session is to empower youth workers and youth work educators to engage in the exploration, development and support of frameworks for education and training for youth workers. We will do so mainly with the use of the Council of Europe Recommendation on Youth Work, as well as other tools developed in the framework of the Council of Europe and conclusions from the Third European Youth Work Convention.

The objectives are:

- to present and explore different practices and current developments in youth work education, both formal and non-formal, academia and program based certifications, as well as the legal frameworks in Europe, including the CoE Recommendation on Youth Work.
- to understand different ways of working in youth work education, using the CoE Youth Work Portfolio, as well as other youth work education materials, such as the T-KIT series and the work of the “Expert group on researching education and career paths of youth workers”.
- to create a safe space for peer-learning and exchange of best practices on youth work education.
- to develop action plans on education and training of youth workers to be implemented at local, regional or national level. 

Practical information

This study session is organised by the European Confederation of Youth Clubs with the support of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The activity will take place online. 

A total of 35 places are available to participants. The preparatory team will select participants on the basis of the profile outlined above, ensuring a balanced group (gender, geographical regions, different types of experiences, cultural backgrounds and organisations). 

Applicants will be informed about the selection decision by 28th of February 2020. Selected participants will be requested to work individually and in small groups in preparation for, and during, the study session. 

The activity takes place online, between the 8th and the 12th of March 2021. These will not be full working days, but rather sessions and individual and group assignments, meeting with youth work teachers and trainers, panel discussions and short lectures, that are all distributed on different days, and times of days. Participants will be required to complete tasks leading up to the activity itself. To take part in the online activity the participants should have an internet connection and dedicate some time to finalise their tasks:

a) for the preparatory activities, please dedicate an hour per day for 5 working days in the week of the 1st to the 7th of March.

b) for the webinar, please dedicate some 4-5 hours for a visio-conference per day, (you should have a good microphone and if possible, a camera) for the period 8th to the 12th of March. During this period you might also need some extra time to read some of the presentations, or prepare for some of the topics, that will be discussed online. 


Participants selection criteria

The team will prioritise the participation of those participants who:

- are interested to work further on the topic of educational paths of youth workers

- can work in English 

- are under 30 years old (some exceptions are possible)


How to apply

Succesful applicants will be contacted via email and will be announced throguht our facebook page EuropeanConfederationofYouthClubs

For any questions, please contact the ECYC secretariat at

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