Prep meeting study seminar on youth work and violent radicalisation

Prep meeting study seminar on youth work and violent radicalisation


A couple of weeks ago, trainers and facilitators joined the ECYC staff for the preparatory meetings that are part of our workplan 2017, mainly financed by the European Youth Foundation. You might remember that the next activity is a study seminar taking place in Sibiu, Romania, from 28/08 until 02/09/2017 dedicated to sharing best practices in youth work as a method of prevention of violent radicalisation of youth.

This activity will consist of workshops, lectures, group work and the sharing of experiences and challenges. This activity will also include input from experts researching religious radicalisation and young extremist behavior. Participants will share best practice examples and engage with their own nations’ policies and responses to extremism/radicalisation. The concrete practice examples shared by participants, as well as their personal reflections on the phenomena will be presented trough the platform and, together with other best practices and youth work reflections, they will constitute part of the working base for the position paper to be developed in and for the Brussels meeting.

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