Antwerp European Youth Club Capital for All!

Antwerp European Youth Club Capital for All!


From 25 July until 1 August 50 young people from 7 different countries came together to learn more about event management, creativity, culture, games, Belgium and youth work. Among the participants we had the likes of people from Slovenia, Estonia, Ireland, Denmark, Iceland and Romania. The participants were divided into two groups (creativity and event management), and stayed at a camping site around the youth club Josto in Deurne, Antwerp, which was the perfect headquarter for the event. During the week the 2 different groups went to other youth centres where they could let out all of their creative and management skills, in order to display their learning at a fantastic ending event.

Formaat and ECYC would like to thank all of the participants and trainers for their enthusiasm and positive energy, the communications team for their close control scoops and coverage, and not the least the people from Josto and the rest of the incredible squad of volunteers who all made the practical side of the event possible. CHEERS TO YOU ALL!

You can relive the event as if you were right there on the spot, by checking out the blog
the communication team created:


Written by Ben Quirynen