Helping them express themselves

Helping them express themselves

Drama and theatre are a powerful was for young people to explore and express their identity, as well as providing a common interest to bring together different groups of young people.

Involvement in theatre can help young people become more confident, to connect with others and learn to work in groups. Studies have shown young people involved in theatre groups find in easier to build their career.

Theatre can be used in a youth club setting to create a space for all young people are work on things including:

  • Development of skills
  • Empowerment
  • Channelling physical or mental violence (to self or others)
  • Respect for self and others
  • Group cohesion
  • Imagination, fantasy and creation.

However not all youth workers are confident in creating a theatre group in their youth club or centre.

FJCMP decided to help out by developing a tool Theatre yes … But for what? This consists of two parts;

  • An introduction to theatre practice, theory of theatre practice and practical information for setting up a drama project in a youth club setting.
  • A set of cards with drama exercises that can be used with groups of young people.